I started the MYPATH platform initially, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Working as a Careers Leader in a secondary school in Leicester, I noticed that whilst there was lots of resources available for students to access form home, none of them were landing with my students. I felt like something needed to be done and initially started creating a short set of YouTube videos in a teen-friendly way to try to benefit my own students.
Quite quickly, I was being inundated with requests to share these videos with other Careers Leaders who were keen to use them with their students. This quickly developed into a mailing list of people who had requested to receive the resources on a weekly basis.
It was clear that there was an appetite for this format of resources, designed with students in mind and the platform grew from there.
As the MYPATH platform has developed, I have had the opportunity to work with amazing careers professionals and businesses who are working towards a common goal of improving the outcomes of students with a careers focus.
We now have hundreds of videos around careers available for free, Enterprise days available to purchase and run in schools and colleges, packages to support schools with meeting the benchmarks and other services available.
In 2022, I took the MYPATH platform from working as a sole trader to a limited company. In 2023, I will be leaving my job to pursue building this platform and the community that surrounds it on a. full-time basis.
I am incredibly excited about the future for MYPATH and thank everyone for their support so far!
MYPATH resources are now used in over 1,000 schools and colleges in the UK with even more overseas.
Founder/Managing Director